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Building DAPHNE

The DAPHNE project provides a full-fledged build script. After cloning, it does everything from dependency setup to generation of the executable.

What does the build script do? (simplified)

  • Download & build all code dependencies
  • Build Daphne
  • Clean Project

How long does a build take?

The first run will take a while, due to long compilation times of the dependencies (~1 hour on a 16 vcore desktop, ~10 minutes on a 128 vcore cluster node). But they only have to be compiled once (except updates). Following builds only take a few seconds/minutes.


Usage of the build script

This section shows the possibilities of the build script.


The default command to build the default target daphne.


Print the cli build help page. This also shows all the following options.

./ --help

Build a specific target.

./ --target "target"

For example the following builds the main test target.

./ --target "run_tests"


Clean all build directories, i.e., the daphne build dir <project_root>/build and the build output in <project_root>/bin and <project_root>/lib

./ --clean

Clean all downloads and extracted archive directories, i.e., <thirdparty_dir>/download-cache, <thirdparty_dir>/sources and <thirdparty_dir>/*.download.success files:

./ --cleanCache

Clean third party build output, i.e., <thirdparty_dir>/installed, <thirdparty_dir>/build and <thirdparty_dir>/*.install.success files:

./ --cleanDeps

Clean everything (DAPHNE build output and third party directory)

./ --cleanAll

Minimize Compile Times of Dependencies

The most time-consuming part of getting DAPHNE compiled is building the third party dependencies. To avoid this, one can either use a prebuilt container image (in combination with some parameters to the build script see below) or at least build the dependencies once and subsequently point to the directory where the third party dependencies get installed. The bulid script must be invoked with the following two parameters to achieve this:

./ --no-deps --installPrefix path/to/installed/deps

If you have built DAPHNE and change the installPrefix directory, it is required to clean up and build again: ./ --clean


All possible options for the build script:

Option Effect
-h, --help Print the help page
--installPrefix <path> Install third party dependencies in <path> (default: <project_root>/thirdparty/installed)
--clean Clean DAPHNE build output (<project_root>/{bin,build,lib})
--cleanCache Clean downloaded and extracted third party artifacts
--cleanDeps Clean third party dependency build output and installed files
--cleanAll Clean DAPHNE build output and reset the third party directory to the state in the git repo
--target <target> Build specific target
-nf, --no-fancy Disable colorized output
--no-deps Avoid building third party dependencies
-y, --yes Accept prompt (e.g., when executing the clean command)
--cuda Compile with support for GPU operations using the CUDA SDK
--debug Compile the daphne binary with debug symbols
--oneapi Compile with support for accelerated operations using the OneAPI SDK
--fpgaopencl Compile with support for FPGA operations using the Intel FPGA SDK or OneAPI+FPGA Add-On
--no-papi Compile without support for PAPI-based profiling


Overview over the build script

The build script is divided into sections, visualized by

# #1 Section name

Each section should only contain functionality related to the section name.

The following list contains a rough overview over the sections and the concrete functions or functionality done here.

  1. Help message
  2. printHelp() // prints help message
  3. Build message helper
  4. daphne_msg( <message> ) // prints a status message in DAPHNE style
  5. printableTimestamp( <timestamp> ) // converts a unix epoch timestamp into a human readable string (e.g., 5min 20s 100ms)
  6. printLogo() // prints a DAPHNE logo to the console
  7. Clean build directories
  8. clean( <array ref dirs> <array ref files> ) // removes all given directories (1. parameter) and all given files (2. parameter) from disk
  9. cleanBuildDirs() // cleans build dirs (daphne and dependency build dirs)
  10. cleanAll() // cleans daphne build dir and wipes all dependencies from disk (resetting the third party directory)
  11. cleanDeps() // removes third party build output
  12. cleanCache() // removes downloaded third party artifacts (but leaving git submodules (only LLVM/MLIR at the time of writing)
  13. Create / Check Indicator-files
  14. dependency_install_success( <dep> ) // used after successful build of a dependency; creates related indicator file
  15. dependency_download_success(<dep>) // used after successful download of a dependency; creates related indicator file
  16. is_dependency_installed( <dep> ) // checks if dependency is already installed/built successfully
  17. is_dependency_downloaded( <dep> ) // checks if dependency is already downloaded successfully
  18. Versions of third party dependencies
  19. Versions of the software dependencies are configured here
  20. Set some prefixes, paths and dirs
  21. Definition of project related paths
  22. Configuration of path prefixes. For example all build directories are prefixed with buildPrefix. If fast storage is available on the system, build directories could be redirected with this central configuration.
  23. Parse arguments
  24. Parsing
  25. Updating git submodules
  26. Download and install third-party dependencies if requested (default is yes, omit with --no-deps))
  27. Antlr
  28. catch2
  29. OpenBLAS
  30. nlohmannjson
  31. abseil-cpp - Required by gRPC. Compiled separately to apply a patch.
  32. MPI (Default is MPI library is OpenMPI but cut can be any)
  33. gRPC
  34. Arrow / Parquet
  35. MLIR
  36. Build DAPHNE target
  37. Compilation of the DAPHNE-target ('daphne' is default)

Adding a dependency

  1. If the dependency is fixed to a specific version, add it to the dependency versions section (section 5).
  2. Create a new segment in section 8 for the new dependency.
  3. Define needed dependency variables:
  4. Directory Name (which is used by the script to locate the dependency in different stages)
  5. Create an internal version variable in form of an array with two entries. Those are used for internal versioning and updating of the dependency without rebuilding each time.
    1. First: Name and version of the dependency as a string of the form <dep_name>_v${dep_version} (This one is updated, if a new version of the dependency is choosen.)
    2. Second: Thirdparty Version of the dependency as a string of the form v1 (This one is incremented each time by hand, if something changes on the path system of the dependency or DAPHNE itself. This way already existing projects are updated automatically, if something changes.)
  6. Optionals: Dep-specific paths, Dep-specific files, etc.
  7. Download the dependency, encased by:

    # in segment 5
    # in segment 8
    # ----
    # 8.x Your dependency
    # ----
    <dep>_dirname="<dep_name>" # 3.1
    <dep>_version_internal=("<dep_name>_v${<dep>_version}" "v1") # 3.2
    <dep>... # 3.3
    if ! is_dependency_downloaded "${<dep>_version_internal[@]}"; then
        # do your stuff here
        dependency_download_success "${<dep>_version_internal[@]}"

    Hint: It is recommended to use the paths defined in section 6 for dependency downloads and installations. There are predefined paths like 'cacheDir', 'sourcePrefix', 'buildPrefix' and 'installPrefix'. Take a look at other dependencies to see how to use them. 1. Install the dependency (if necessary), encased by:

    if ! is_dependency_installed "${<dep>_version_internal[@]}"; then
        # do your stuff here
        dependency_install_success "${<dep>_version_internal[@]}"
  8. Define a flag for the build script if your dependency is optional or poses unnecessary overhead for users (e.g., CUDA is optional as the CUDA SDK is a considerably sized package that only owners of Nvidia hardware would want to install).

See section 7 about argument parsing. Quick guide: define a variable and its default value and add an item to the argument handling loop.